Levelling up – rhetoric and reality – 28 September 2021

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28 September 2021 via video call


Levelling up – rhetoric and reality

The clue is in the new name – Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities led by Michael Gove – a sign of how significant levelling up will be in forthcoming government strategy. A good opportunity to reflect on what it might mean and what role planning leadership will have to play in making it happen.

Speakers will give perspective on the challenges of addressing the complexities of levelling up, the role urban areas play, and how planning reform can support levelling up.

Chair: Fionnuala Lennon, Head of High Growth and New Settlements, Homes England


Download recording here

Please note recording quality for first speaker is very poor so fast forward and listen from 11.42 minutes into the recording

Further information: linda@natplanforum.org

This meeting was sponsored by Lichfields

Moving on up insight – https://lichfields.uk/content/insights/moving-on-up